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How to Handle a Cracked Molar

February 22, 2017

Have you cracked one of your molars? If so, then it’s important to keep a cool head and not panic. You can usually tell if you’ve cracked a back molar if there is extreme pain and sensitivity in the tooth. Whether it’s painful or not, it’s still best to get the molar treated. You can help improve the situation and treat the tooth by doing these things:

–Avoid using the toothIf you can, try to avoid eating anything until your tooth receives treatment. This is important because if you use your tooth, there is a chance you could worsen the damage. So, if you have to eat something, make sure to chew on the opposite side of your mouth and stick to eating soft foods, just in case.

–Control the bleeding and reduce the swelling: Apply a piece of gauze pad to the area for about 10 minutes or until the bleeding stops. If it still continues to bleed, replace the bloody pad with a new one and repeat this process. Try to reduce swelling and relieve pain by applying an ice pack on the mouth, cheek, or lip near the injured area.

–Visit your dentist: Visit your dentist as soon as possible. When you come into our office, don’t forget to bring the broken tooth pieces with you, if there are any.

If you do these things, you’ll be on your way to a restored smile and oral health. For more information and details about how to take care of a cracked molar in Summit, New Jersey, please call Morristown & Summit Prosthodontics at 908-273-0884. Dr. Madalina Iorgulescu and our dental team are here to help you in any way we can, even if it’s just by answering your questions. We look forward to helping you!

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